This Robotis emanual page describes how to setup the Raspberry Pi camera to be used with Turtlebot3.
Here is a streamlined guide to quickly get a raspi camera working with a TB3. This entire process may take a few minutes - worst case, if you have to fix apt-get errors, upwards of 30 minutes.
sudo raspi-config
in the TB3's terminal. Navigate to option 3: Interfacing options. The first option in the sub-menu is camera - select it, then select yes when prompet to enable camera interfacing. Then, navigate to finish and reboot the robot for the change to take effect.
do a sudo apt-get update
and sudo apt-get upgrade
to make sure there are no errors. If update throws a missing pubkey error, then record the pubkey and use this command: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys <PUBKEY>
where is the pubkey that you recorded. once the pubkey is added, update & upgrade. If there are no errors, continue.
run the following two commands to add Ubiquity Robotic's repos to apt
update & upgrade again.
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-raspicam-node
catkin make
if catkin_make fails due to missing diagnostics, install this: sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-diagnostic-updater
roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_rpicamera.launch
will launch the camera alone at a resolution of 640x480. Alternatively, you can also use roslaunch raspicam_node camerav1_1280x720.launch
to launch at a higher resolution. To include in a custom launch file, consider using a command like this:
The following parameters can be edited in a launch file that launches the Raspi cam to alter its performance:
: allows the camera to publish a topic ~/image
, of topic type sensor_msgs/Image
if set to true
. If not true, only ~/image/compressed
will publish (which publishes a topic type sensor_msgs/CompressedImage
and width
: change the resolution of the image.
: changes the rate at which the camera publishes images (maximum 90 fps). Max FPS is also affected by the resolution (higher resolution -> lower max fps)
: opens a gui where you can select an image topic currently being published and view it from your remote PC.
rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure
: opens a gui which can edit various raspi settings, such as vertical/ horizontal flipping, image stabilization, and other sliders for various settings
To launch Mutant, follow these steps:
Ensure that mutant has the most recent version of cr_ros_2
. This can be accomplished by running roscd cr_ros_2
and then gp
SSH into the mutant and run bu-mutant
. This will launch the mutant onboard bringup.
On your local machine (again after making sure that you have the most recent version of cr_ros_2
, run roslaunch cr_ros_2 mtnt_onb_rpicam.launch
. This command will start the web app, and you can proceed from there.
This section should be updated as problems arise and their solutions are discovered
We've found that forcing powercycles with the switch on the OpenCR board can be detrimental to the robot's ability to SSH. We recommend running sudo poweroff
every time you want to powercycle, if possible. Give the robot ample time to fully shut down before turning it back on. Usually, when turning the robot back on, waiting for the Echo Dot to fully turn on is a good indicator of when the robot will be ready to SSH - if the Echo is powered through the Raspberry pi board. Another indicator is that if the echo is setup to communicate with the robot via bluetooth, then the Echo will say "now connected to mutant". This means the robot is ready. (please note - even though the Echo says it is connected via bluetooth, the raspberry pi does not default to use the Echo as an audio sink, so it will not play audio from the robot.)
Another solution we have found is to disable DNS in SSH settings on the robot. Go to etc/ssh
and then open the config file with sudo nano sshd_config
. If there is a line that says UseDNS yes
then change the yes
to no
. If UseDNS
is not present in the file, then add the line UseDNS no
to the bottom of the file.
This is probably because the volume was turned up too high, and the raspberry pi cannot supply enough power. Plug the Echo into a wall outlet, turn the volume down, and then plug it back into the robot. Rule of thumb: keep the echo's volume no greater than 70%.
Turn the robot all the way off (this means powering off the reaspberry pi, then switching the openCR board off as well), then turn it back on. If the wheel continues to not spin after this, then consult the lab's resident roboticist, Charlie.
Shut down and restart roscore.
Make sure everything is namespaced correctly (on your local machine) - see above for namespacing troubleshooting.
Check that the battery is fully charged.
Your node may have crashed right off the bat - check rqt_graph
and check that all nodes that are supposed to be communicating with each other are actually communicating.
This is usually caused by interference from another robot. Even with namespacing, another robot running on the roscore can cause interference specifically on rviz. We have determined that the likely cause of this is because the odom tf (transform) is not namespaced.
Type rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure
into the command line.
Click the boxes to flip the image hortizontally/vertically.
To check whether the image is flipped correctly, just run rqt_imageview
For further details on the raspicam, look at Hardware - Raspberry Pi Camera page in the lab notebook.
The best way to debug topic communication is through rqt_graph in the terminal. This will create a visual representation of all nodes and topics currently in use. There are two setting to toggle:
First, in the upper left, select Nodes/Topics (all) (the default setting is Nodes only)
Next, in the check box bar, make sure it is grouped by namespace and that dead sinks, leaf topics and unreachable topics are un-hidden.
Now it's important to note that nodes appear on the graph as ovals, and topics appear in the graph as boxes. hovering over a node or topic will highlight it and all topics/ nodes connected to it. This will help to show whether a node is subscribing to and publishing all the nodes that it is expected to.
Based on the rqt graph information, update your topic names in your nodes and launch files to match what you expect.
Some nodes automatically namespace their published topics, but some don't. This can be an annoyance when you desire a mutli-robot setup. Fear not, it is possible to namespace topics that aren't auto-namespaced. There are two ways to do this, and both require some launch file trickery. One way is to declare a topic name, then to remap the default topic name to your new one. The below example is used in the file move_base_mutant.launch
The new topic name argument can be declared anywhere in the launch file. The remapping must occur nested within the node tag of the node which publishes the topic you want renamed. This method has been used and approved by the students of gen3.
Gen3's preferred method of namespacing nodes that we have written ourselves is as follows: Before initializing any publishers or subscribers, make sure this line of code is present: ns = rospy.get_namespace()
Then, use python string formatting in all your publishers and subscribers to namespace your topics: cmd_pub = rospy.Publisher('{}cmd_vel'.format(ns), . . .)
will contain both backslashes needed for the topic to conform to ROS's topic formatting guidelines, e.g. the publisher above will publish to the topic /namespace/cmd_vel
/fiducial_transforms (from the node aruco_detect)
/diagnostics (from turtlebot3_core)
/cmd_vel (from move_base)
Any and all transforms
Many components of Turtlebot3 software depend on knowing the size of wheels of the robot. Some examples include Odometry, cmd_vel (the turtlebot core), and move_base. By default, turtlebot3 wheels are 6.6cm in diameter. Mutant has 10cm diameter wheels. If you use larger wheels, but the software believes it has smaller wheels, then movement behavior will not be as expected.
In the IDE, go to File
--> Examples
--> TurtleBot3
--> turtlebot3_waffle
(or turtlebot3_burger
if that better fits the form factor of your mutant TB3) --> turtlebot3_core
. This will open three files: turtlebot3_core
, turtlebot3_core_config.h
and turtlebot3_waffle.h
. Go to turtlebot3_waffle.h
. You will see that this file defines a number of characteristics of a robot, including wheel radius! Edit your wheel radius variable, then save your work - two windows will pop up. In the first one, click "ok" and in the second, click "save" - don't edit anything!
Now it's time to upload the edited firmware to the OpenCR board. This is actually not too difficult - first, unplug the usb cable that connects the OpenCR board to the Raspberry Pi (or whatever SBC your mutant is using), and plug it into your remote PC. You may have noticed that you weren't able to select a port in step of the emanual instructions - now that the OpenCR board is connected, you should be able to select the port. Once you've done that, click the upload button at the top of the IDE to upload the firmware to your robot. Once the upload is complete, your firmware should be updated and your robot should behave as expected in movement-based tasks. To test, make the robot move forward at 0.1 m/s for 10 seconds - it should travel about a meter. If not, your firmware may not have been updated properly or your wheel measurements may be incorrect.
Restoring .bashrc
is not very difficult.
First, type /bin/cp /etc/skel/.bashrc ~/
into your terminal. This will replace a corrupt .bashrc file with the default .bashrc. Then, try ls -a
in your user directory to view all files, including hidden ones, such as .bashrc. If a file such as .bashrc.swp
appears, delete it with rm .bashrc.swp
. Continue removing files that look related to .bashrc until nano ~/.bashrc
properly opens the file without giving an error. Now you'll have to restore all the lines at the bottom of .bashrc that were added when ROS was installed. Fortunately, there are many computers in the lab and they all have almost identical .bashrc files! ssh from one of those computers to the one that you are restoring, copy the lines that need to be re-added, and then edit them to fit the computer that the .bashrc file is located on (things to consider: namespace, ip address, aliasas that are useful on the given machine) Don't forget to source ~/.bashrc
after you are done editing the file, so the changes you made can take effect in the terminal!
Now don't make the same mistake twice.
There are currently two versions of the mutant in existence. They both have the same footprint, that of a Turtlebot 3 Waffle.
One of those robots, has large green wheels but operates as a standard Turtlebot3 with ROS etc. The only difference is in the OpenCR firmware, where the wheel diameter, robot radius, etc. fields are modified to account for the different chassis and wheels. It is fully operational.
The other robot, has blue wheels of similar size to the standard TB3 wheels. This model is where new motors/motor controllers are tested. The current combination are Uxcell 600 RPM encoder gear motors. When installing/wiring new motors ALWAYS GO OFF OF THE PCB (printed circuit board). Meaning follow whatever is actually written on the back of the motor. They are plugged in and controlled by a RoboClaw motor controller. For our purposes, it is communicating over packet serial with an Arduino, which gives it serial commands. The RoboClaw is well documented and has a functional Arduino library that is used for most of its operation. The RoboClaw comes with a Windows software interface that allows for simple initial programming and Autotuning of the PID control. The robot is equipped with a latching Estop button. The robot does not currently drive particularly straight but that does not seem to be the result of the speed control (the encoder counts stay similar). Rather it is likely a result of the alignment of the wheels. To attach the larger wheels to these motors, an adapter needs to be made or found from the smaller hex of the driver pin to a larger size. The RoboClaw controller is top of the line across the board. To interface with ROS, the best approaches would be to do so through an Arduino using ROSSerial or directly over MicroUSB, using the existing ROS-RoboClaw libraries.
Wiring diagrams and pictures:
In the event that a new mutant ever has to be set up, or software problems require mutant to be reset, here are the necessary tips to installing everything that is needed to operate using the most recent campus rover ros package.
serves as an adequate guide to getting 95% of the way to setting up ROS on a mutant turtlebot. There are a few divergences from their instructions, though:
In part 3 of section, you could easily miss the note about installing what is needed to use a raspi camera. Either do not miss it (it is right below the first block of terminal commands) or check out .
just below the camera hint, the emanual instructs to use these commands to remove unneeded packages:
However, slam and navigation are actually useful to us, so use these commands instead:
Once you have finished the emanual SBC setup, you still need to install a few dependencies that Robotis assumes you will only use on a remote pc. For your convenience, run this command:
If you are curious as to where this came from, it is an edited version of the first command of emanual section 6.1.3, under PC setup.
you will need:
the fiducial package sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-fiducials
cr_ros_2 github repo on branch mutant_transfer
cr_web github repo on branch mutant
the turtlebot3_navigation package, which should come with turtlebot3.
google chrome (for the web app - you can use another browser, but that would require editing a shell script in the cr_web package)
flask module for python
Google how to get Chrome and flask. cr_ros_2 and cr_web are repos in the campus rover github community.
git clone
is how you will initially pull a repository off of Github
in a repository's main directory in your terminal, gs
(or git status
) is a super useful command that will show you all the files you have edited.
git add
--> git commit -m
--> git push
is how you will be updating your repos on github. Pro Tip: if you've edited multiple files in a subdirectory, for example in src, then you can type git add src
to add all modified files in src, rather than typing each file individually.
always do a pull before a push if you think someone else has made edits to your repo.
if you've made changes locally that you don't want to keep, git reset --hard
will revert back to your last pull or clone.
The other way is to use a group tag, and declare a namespace for the entire group. gen3 has not tested this method, but
On your remote pc, follow steps 4.1.1 through 4.1.6 to install the arduino IDE and configure it to work with the OpenCR board. Please note that as of May 2019, the latest version of the Arduino IDE is 1.8.9, but the guide displays version 1.6.4.
If this class is your first time using github - don't worry! Though it may seem mildly confusing and daunting at first, it will eventually become your best friend. There's a pretty good guide called which can walk you through the basics of using git in the terminal. Here's a bit of a short guide to the commands we have used most in gen3: