Author: Pito Salas, Date: April 2023

When contributing, please make sure to do the following:

  1. Proofread your writing for spelling and grammatical errors, especially in areas where excat typing is important (e.g. code snippets)

  2. Place your files in the appropriate folders. Only create new folders if absolutely necessary. If you make a new folder, give it a README which clearly describes the content of the folder

  3. Add your file to so it is accessible from the gitbook webpage

  4. Give your images common sense names. They should be descriptive and/ or associative. "p1.png" is bad, "gazebo_img1.png" is better.

  5. Only use hyphens, not underscores, in filenames.

  6. Try to order files in is a way that makes sense if they were to be read through sequentially

  7. Follow Markdown format guidleines. There is a Markdown extenstion for VS code which will assist you in this endeavor. Here are some common mistakes:

    1. No trailing spaces at the end of lines

    2. One (and only one) blank new line on either side of Headers, lists, and code blocks

    3. Use consistant spacing

    4. no embedded HTML or raw links

    5. no trailing punctuation in headers

    6. Do not skip header levels, only one H1

  8. Furthermore, please follow these style guidelines:

    1. Do not use bold or italics in headers

    2. Do not use emphasis to take the place of a code snippet

    3. Label your code snippets (starting with ```)with the language they contain! common languages in this course are python, bash, xml and c++

    4. Surround package names, file paths and other important info of this nature with single backticks (`)

    5. Add a byline at the bottom of the page, including your name and date of publishing

Last updated

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