Finding HSV values for any color

by Sampada Pokharel

This is a quick guide to finding the HSV values for any color that you may need for you project. We found this particularly helpful for following a line.


  • A robot with a camera

  • VNC

Basic Steps

  1. Connect your robot. You can find the guide here

  2. Once your robot is connected, open vnc and run file in the terminal.

rosrun prrexamples
  1. In a seperate terminal, run rqt.

  1. In rqt window, click Plugning -> Dynamic Reconfigure

  2. Click cvexample and the hsv slides should pop up.

  3. Adjust the sliders to find the hsv values for your desired colors.

In a seperate terminal, run rqt_image_view to get a larger frame of the camera image. This is optional.


Last updated

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